Hello, I'm

Bilend Mohammed

And I'm a Full-stack Web Developer

About me

I’m a full-stack web developer specializing in Front-end development. I graduated from the American University of Iraq Sulaymaniyah with a bachelor's degree in information technology. I began with graphic design then found my passion in web development. Throughout my career as a web developer, I've kept up with the latest technologies and worked hard to keep up with industry developments. I currently work as a web developer for Moonline Travel and Trade Ltd. I also work as a freelancer for a variety of clients, building full-stack websites and UX/UI designs.


Booking Advisors is an online flight and hotel booking system powered by Moonline Travel and Trade Ltd. I have worked on this project with my team utilizing Quasar Framework, payment gateways, and external APIs to build a fully functioning OTA where users can book their desired hotels and flights.

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Designed and built a multilingual JAMstack website for a local company called Ahmed Shaswar showcasing their products and services. I used Gridsome and Vuetify for the front-end and Prismic for the backend. The website is hosted on Netlify

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Built Med Guide for a client. Med Guide is an online course website for medical students that provide courses on various medical topics and articles taught by professionals. I used various Wordpress plugins to build a website in which users can create accounts, view courses, and purchase them. Used and configured an AWS cloud instance for hosting and SES for Email services

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More Projects

My Portfolio

My current portfolio built using Gridsome, Markdown, and GraphQL. Free to use and hosted on Netlify!




My university graduation project. I built a full-stack platform aimed at connecting private tutors and students in the local region.



Moonline Portal

Worked with the team on building an interface used by Moonline's departments that connected directly to the company's ERP system.


Element UI

Babylon Holiday

Built a website serving as a homepage for Babylon Holiday, a B2B hotel booking platform owned by Moonline.


Google Maps

Babylon Booking

Built a homepage for Babylon Booking, a B2B flight booking platform owned by Moonline.


Wordpress API


Designed and built a multilingual website for a Gardening and landscaping company based in Sulaymaniyah.


Vue Invoice App

Built and hosted an invoice app with Authentication using Vue and Firebase.



Get in Touch

Email Icon bilendmohammed@gmail.com

Phone Icon+964 773 555 9696

Location Marker IconSulaymaniyah, Iraq

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